Helpful Sites & Contacts
British Dyslexia Association
New Technologies Committee – for information on dyslexia and ICT
Dyslexia Action
National Bureau for Students with Disabilities
Network 81
Tel: 0845 077 4055
Network 81 is a charity that supports, advises and trains parents and carers about the education of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
KIDS’ Croydon SEND Information, Advice, Support (SENDIAS) and Mediation service
An independent, impartial and confidential service which offers information and support for parents of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) as well as SEND mediation services. This service is free.
Located at Carers Support Centre at 24 George Street, Croydon, CR0 1PB
Mon-Fri 10am-5 pm. Parents/carers and young people can self-refer themselves to access this service by contacting [email protected], tel: 020 8663 5630/5631
Helpline 020 8538 3731
Workshops, information sheets on website. Drop-in free monthly surgeries for parents/carers – during school term times – 1st Monday of each month during school term times, 10.15 am – 12.15 pm at The Salvation Army, 66 High Street, Thornton Heath, CR7 8LF
Carers Support Centre
Drop in centre based at 24 George Street, Croydon, CR0 1PB, offering advice, information and support to those caring for someone who needs help due to illness, disability or old age.
Dittas Ltd
DITTAS offers consultancy for parents and a range of services for businesses to make them Dyslexia / SpLD friendly and courses for professionals and parents.